Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Pitter of Patter, pt. 4

    Ok so, I've finally gotten my showcase put together.  Well, I've got the songs chosen and the basic outline for my patter decided.  Now, comes the part of putting it all together and making it flow into a nice little mini-cabaret that will, hopefully, get me noticed by someone who'll want to use me for ANYTHING!

     Anyway if nothing else, I'm hoping to at least get a recording of it so that I can post it and show people that I don't just talk about performing and can actually do it.

     So, the showcase itself will have a little of this,

some of this,

and just a smidge of these thrown in for good measure:

    Somehow I'll tie it all together and, hopefully, it'll make for a nice little showcase.  We shall see.

    Until then....



Brighton Beach Memoirs

   So last night, I had another lucky opportunity to see a show that I didn't think I would have the chance to see.  It turns out that a friend had a pair of comps that she wasn't going to be able to use and so, with a little begging to get the night off at my job, I got to see Brighton Beach Memoirs.  I have to say, it was worth the begging!