Just a scant few years ago, my parents and I lived about half an hour outside of my hometown. We were, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere. You see, my dad was a ranch foreman and, as part of the job, we lived in a house on the ranch.
It never really bothered me living so far away. I entertained myself singing with the radio and acting out whatever was on TV at the time. Plus, I had my four-wheeler if I had an urge to go anywhere.
By the time I was in 7th grade, we moved into town so that my parents could focus on the business they had bought a few years earlier. It was then that I got my first "real" taste of social networking. In junior high, everyone fit into a particular "network" (or clique, as they were called in school). You had your Preps, Scrubs, Geeks, Jocks, etc. Whatever school you went to, I'm sure you had your own version.

Your life was determined simply by what you wore and the company you kept.
Fast forward to today. We now have tons of social networks right at our fingertips! All you have to do is turn on you computer or phone and you have access to Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Stumbleupon and a ton of other sites with which to network. To me, it's a beautiful thing.
No more do you have to worry about what others think of how you look or what you're wearing because they only see what you choose to show them. They don't need to know that you're sitting in front of your screen in a dirty shirt with bed head and Cheetos on your fingers because they only see your profile picture. Plus, it takes the awkwardness out of having to make small talk.
Of course, there is the other side of the coin... You're sitting in front of your screen wearing a dirty shirt with bed head and Cheetos on your fingers because people only see your profile picture. Doing anything productive takes a back seat to tweeting and updating a status.
How do I know this, you ask? I'm just as guilty as anyone.
I've been scolded by friends for "checking in" on Foursquare when I should be talking to them. I've also been told that I sometimes share too much in my tweets. Yes, I'm a member of several of these networks. I could say it's the "research" that I'm doing for my work with Broadway Blogspot but, let's face it... I'm hooked!
What can I say? They're fun! And hey, I have to be allowed one vice right? I mean, besides caffeine. Make that two vices.
So if you'll excuse me, I need to post this here on Blogger so that I can share it on the new FB page I created. Then, I need to check in at my location on Foursquare. After that, I need to respond to a friend request from a guy that I sat next to in elementary school. Somewhere in there, I may fold my laundry before I tweet about what movie I'm gonna watch. Don't roll your eyes; you're doing the exact same things. That's why we're all friends and able to share this habit with each other. Because after all, isn't that the purpose? To share what we think and feel with those we love...and rest of the world?
Until next time...
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