Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time to Squeak Some Eeek!

After a couple of weeks of uneven rehearsal time, tonight, we'll finally have our first performance of "Eeek! A Mousical".  I must say that the entire experience has me excited AND scared!

It's always exciting to be a part of something new because it could become so many different things by the time you get to opening night.  You never really know how an audience will react to anything since no one has seen it.  None of the songs or jokes are considered a "guaranteed winner" until you hear people, other than the creative team, laughing or applauding them.  It's, kind of, cool to not know how people will respond.

Now the scary part would be that rehearsals have been less than productive, at times.  You see this production is a Showcase which means that there is very little to no pay involved for anyone.  It's basically a way to "audition" the show for the producers and industry people who see it.  This means the people, including myself,  have had to miss rehearsals to go to day jobs and try to get to rehearsal when they can.  We've never actually had everyone at a rehearsal yet.  It's hard to get down timing and choreography when you don't have everyone for the scene or song.

But in a way, I think by writing that, I just realized that it adds a bit to the excitement of the show.  Part of why live theater is so great is the unexpected that can and does happen during performances.  I really think we've got a great cast of people who know what they're doing and know how to "go on" if something messes up.  I also know that we're all going to make the most of it and have fun doing it.  Because, isn't that the most important thing?  We're doing what we love so, we may as well have a blast doing it.

We have one more rehearsal this afternoon (I think everyone will be there for that) and then, tonight's show is considered a preview.  Our opening is tomorrow so, if anyone is in NYC over the next two weekends and would like to see our little family show, check out the info here.  Tickets can also be purchased through TDF for people who are members there.  And as this is an Equity Showcase, AEA members get in free if there is room.

If you have some time, come see our show!  We have no idea how it's going to be.  Who knows?  It could be a hot mess or it could be the cutest little show you've seen in a while.  But one thing's for sure, we're all going to be having a good time doing our best to entertain you!

Until next time...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Write an Article for Broadway Blogspot

Do you have a performance related story or advice that you'd like to share with your peers and other aspiring performers? Then send it to us for a chance to be part of our "Featured Articles" section. 

Just keep it to 500 words or less and make sure it stays somewhere within the realm of theatre. It doesn't need to be only about performing, it can be anything back stage too. We want to hear from people involved in all aspects.

Unfortunately we can't offer any pay but, if your article is chosen, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you may have helped to inspire a fellow performer in this tough, amazing business we call show. Send your article to 

Check out the link to see the articles we've already posted. Maybe one of them will inspire you to write something from your own perspective. We look forward to reading what you have to say.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Scream 4: Part 2

Ok so, everything I said in my Scream 4 post yesterday, can be dittoed and doubled!  The newest trailer for the movie out and, can I just say, that "kid waiting for Christmas" line that I wrote is no joke!

Who wants to go see this with me?  I dare say, I'm more excited about seeing this than the final Harry Potter film.

Anyway, check out the new one here and THEN tell me you don't get a little thrill.  Oh and, what an awesome cast they've got marked for death in this one!  In addition to the "Big 3", they've got about every known twenty-something in Hollywood.  Anyway, enjoy.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Scream 4

Anyone who's read my earlier posts, Scary Movie Nostalgia Trip and Scary Movie Nostalgia Trip: The Re-Imagining, knows that I love horror movies.  And ever since the announcement was made that they were making a new Scream, I've been like a little kid waiting for Christmas.  So when I saw the new trailer online, I knew that I needed to write about it.

If it were like most or sequels or "re-imaginings", I would probably be groaning in the inevitable crap that would come out with new minds allowed to mess with something that's not broken.  But, this one has it's original writer and director (Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven) AND it's "big three" cast members (Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette) all coming back.  How long the main characters survive this movie is anyone's guess but, it's great to have them all back!

I've been so busy with work and rehearsals that I haven't found anything that I wanted to take the time to write about.  Now I have and, yes,  it's about a movie.  But, not just any movie.  This is a new chapter in one of the coolest horror movie franchises ever.  I can't wait!  Watch the trailer and tell me it doesn't give you, at least, a little thrill.

Oh and, it comes out on April 15th which is a week after my birthday.  If anyone wants to get me anything, you have your gift idea.  I promise to act surpirsed!

Until next time...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Richard Skipper as "Carol Channing" In Concert

Due to the last minute cancellation of a play reading I was supposed to be part of, I had a chance to go see Richard Skipper as "Carol Channing" in Concert now playing at St. Luke's Theatre.  It turned out to be a nice evening learning a little history about the star so associated with the role of Dolly Levi.

The show is in the style of a cabaret with Ms. Channing singing many of her well known songs and telling stories of her legendary career.  Now I must admit, I don't know all that much about Carol Channing other than what I've seen of her on television but, I'm pretty sure that Mr. Skipper has the woman down.  From her unique way of speaking to her quick wit when chatting with audience members, you really felt you were in the audience with the woman herself.

Throughout the show, the audience is treated to stories from many of her well known hits such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Thoroughly Modern Millie, as well as, some lesser known shows like The Vamp.  Of course, a good section of the show is devoted to Hello Dolly!  As someone who holds a special place for this show (it was the show I earned my Equity card with), I particularly enjoyed hearing the story of how she won the role of Dolly and the medley of accompanying songs.

My only issue with the show would be that we heard too much about the members of the audience.  Being the opening night, there were several actors and musicians from Ms. Channings' hey day who were in the audience.  I guess in the instance of kindness and fairness, Mr. Skipper wanted to give ALL of them a proper "shout out" but, I kept thinking, "I don't care about these people. I want to hear about Carol."  Of course any other night, would probably be a different story.  Don't get me wrong, it was a sweet gesture on the star's part but for me, it just took time away from the main attraction and why we were there.

There was also something funny going on with the lighting. I've seen several other shows at St. Luke's and never noticed a lighting issue before so, I'm going to assume that was just a one time glitch.

Overall, it was a really nice evening getting to know a little about Carol Channing.  Love her or not, Ms. Channing is a true theatre legend and Mr. Skipper is doing a great job of paying her a tribute.  The show only runs through January 26th and if you're a Channing fan, make sure you go to see it.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back To Business

As I've settled in to the year not being so "new" anymore, things have pretty much gotten back to their normal stride.  It's amazing how quickly I adapted to the slowed down pace of Florida but, if I'm gonna "make it" here in NYC, this is where I need to be pounding the pavement.  But for some reason, it's been a little harder to get back into the groove than I thought it would.

I had a great audition last week that, apparently, went for nothing because they wanted guys who can tap.  Well, that's not me just yet.  A friend of mine who was sitting in the audition room but has no say in casting told me that I looked "fearless" doing my song (it was the R&H Flower Drum Song).  That was nice!  And I could tell that the casting people liked me as well but, if they want to cast something a certain way they'll keep looking until they find it.

It was a solid week for the dance classes too.  I have to say, I'm really liking them.  So far, I've done mostly jazz classes because they fit into my schedule easier than tap or ballet.  I did try a tap class and was a total mess but, it'll come once I can get to the class more.  Then maybe, I won't get crossed off a casting list because I don't have tap on my resume.

We start rehearsals for Eeek! A Mousical today with a new cast member.  Megan Thomas is replacing Donna Vivino whom, I heard rumor, got a film.  So, we lose a great lady only to be replaced by a great lady.  I can't wait to get started with everything because the show goes up in 2 weeks and we've done nothing so far.  

So as you can see, today's post is just me blathering on about what's been going on lately.  Hope no one's bored.  I'll try to be more interesting next time.  Tonight, I'm going to see a new Off-Broadway show, Richard Skipper as "Carol Channing" In Concert.  That should be fun.  I've got a couple of other things brewing but, don't want to mention anything until they're official.  Have a good one all.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gettin' The Word Out

Well, it seems as though the PR person for Eek! A Mousical is getting the word out.  Press releases for the show were picked up by both Playbill and BroadwayWorld.

I've never been listed on either of these sites so, it's pretty cool news!  They are two of the leading websites for theatre news, in the country.  A friend of mine said yesterday, "Work begets more work."  So, from her lips to God's ears someone will see this show and another door will open in my career.  We shall see.

Check out the links above to see the releases for the show and I hope this post finds everyone having a great day!

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Divine Sister

How fortunate I felt to have gotten to spend the evening of New Year's Day watching one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time by one of my favorite playwrights!  That show, of course, is The Divine Sister written by and starring Charles Busch and is a play I've looked forward to seeing since I'd first read it was going to be opening in New York.

The sisters of St.Veronica, led by the Mother Superior (Mr. Busch) have recently been joined by Sister Walburga (Alison Fraser) from Germany who is in to check up on the financially strapped school/convent.  At the same time, a reporter (Jonathan Walker) is in town to get the scoop on a new postulant (Amy Rutberg) at the order who claims to have visions and the ability to heal people. All the while, Mother Superior and her best friend and second in command, Sister Acacious (Julie Halston) try to appeal to the local atheist widow (Jennifer Van Dyck) for a sizable donation. When all these characters cross paths, everyone's secrets start to come out in a hugely funny fashion.

I've always been a fan of Mr. Busch ever since I stumbled across Psycho Beach Party on HBO one day, way back when.  I've also always had a taste for humor which doesn't always make sense or is in the best of taste.  This show is a perfect example of that and I laughed from start to finish!

Besides being a genius writer, Mr. Busch always has the knack of getting only top notch people to bring his scripts to life.  And this show, may be the best yet.  I won't single any of them out because there are far too many examples I could use for each actor.  They all have their own wonderful moments apart, be it just a look or a perfectly timed quip but, are even greater as an ensemble.  And thanks to Carl Andress' direction, everything moves a rapid "blink and you might miss the joke" pace.

Ok so, enough.  I've gone on far too much about how great I think the show is and it's time to stop.  But if you happen to be in NYC or you live here and haven't gotten down there yet, get to the Soho Playhouse and see this show.  You can also check out more about the show here.  It's too funny not to see!  And if you don't like, then I'm afraid you were born with no sense of humor.  For me, it was a great way to start my theatre viewing for 2011!

Until next time...

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Show

Well, it's 2011!  I hope everyone's new year got off to a great start.  I've decided for my first post, to tell a little about the first show I'll be doing this year.  The show is called Eek! A Mousical and it's a family musical update of the Aesop Fable "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse."  I'll be playing Brad, husband of the City Mouse.

It's been so long since I read it, I can't remember if the mice had families in the original story.  I suppose I should go back and read it, huh?  Anyway, the update has music and lyrics by John Stutte and a book and lyrics from Jack Dyville.  The show will be directed by John De Blass with choreography by Maria Zannieri.

I'm also excited because we have a great cast of people who are a part of it which includes my friend Toni L. Stanton who'll be playing my city mouse wife, Bara and, also, Donna Vivino who recently got finished playing Elphaba in the national tour of Wicked.  Both of them are great ladies and I look forward to working with them.

I think what has me most excited about the whole thing is that it's a musical.  I haven't had the chance to do one in about a year and a half when I did Gutter Star at FringeNYC.  Musicals are what I love to do most so I can't wait to get started with rehearsals.

Anyone who's around, in NYC, the weekends of Jan. 28th to 30th or Feb. 3rd to 5th can click on the show name above to learn more about the show and see if you might be interested.  Also if you'd like to learn more about F.A.C.T., the production company behind the show, click here.  They'll be working in association with Joria Productions to bring this showcase to the stage.

Hope to see you at one of the shows.  I'll keep you posted of what's going on at rehearsal.  I'm crossing my fingers that this is the start of several shows I'll be doing this year.

Until next time...