There's always a certain sadness when a show you're doing ends. No longer can you say, "I'm in a show!", when someone asks you what you're up to and, usually, it means heading back to the survival job full time. Also, it means heading back out to the audition circuit. Trying to get the next show that puts you back into the spotlight.
Luckily, Eeek! is ending just as a long stretch of auditions is coming up. In the next few weeks, several mornings I'll be up before the sun so that I can head to the next EPA that may turn into my next project (fingers crossed). One positive that DOES come with a project ending, for me, is that it leaves me motivated to get the next show so that I don't lose that "performer's rush." You know, that feeling of being in front of a crowd that drives all performers.
So the scorecard will, finally, be getting some updates over the next few weeks. I'm singing for a theater in Sacramento today, one in North Carolina on Wednesday, one in upstate New York and one more in Pennsylvania all in the next week. I'll be crossing my fingers that they all go well and that, at least, one of them gets past the first step.
Off I go to get ready and start warming up the singing voice for today. My neighbors will love that at 6am but, I let it slide that it always sounds like they're training a herd of elephants above me so, I think, they can grant me this on occasion.
When I get home tonight, I'll write a final report on Eeek! for tomorrow in case anyone was wondering. And if anyone wants, sending good luck vibes is always appreciated!
Until next time...
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