With the show done, I've had more time to get back out and hit up the audition circuit. Today, I've got four to tell you about. One is from a while back that I just never got to writing about and, the other three, from the last couple of days.
Audition 1: This was for an Off Broadway showcase that's being done in March. I went in and did my Rodgers & Hammerstein, Flower Drum Song (from now on I'm calling it R&H). It was the best I've done it yet! I was so happy with the way it went. The people behind the table really seemed to like it too except, it turned out, they were looking for guys who were strong tappers. Crap! Well, it's still a SUCCESS because the song was great, if I say so myself!
Audition 2: For the upcoming Broadway revival of Evita. I was typed out! UGH! No song. Done. This is my 4th time in a row at this casting office. FAIL
Audition 3: An EPA for a well known theater out in California. I went in and did my R&H song for them. I've done the song a good 20 times in auditions and coachings. But the entire time I was singing, my mind kept saying, "Don't forget the lyrics." Why would I forget the lyrics? I've done the song too many times to do that. Vocally, the song went well but I was in my head too much. Not being focused on the performance means a FAIL.
Audition 4: This EPA was for a theater, in North Carolina, that I'd worked at a long time ago. It always holds a special place for me because it's the place that I decided performing was what I wanted to do. Anyway so, I decided to do my song from the musical, Triumph of Love. I went in and I really think this was the best performance of THIS song that I had done at an audition! I felt great during and after the song.
After he had looked at my resume, he asked if I'd worked at the place before. My response was, "Yes, I worked there several years back." And then like word vomit I said, "I LOVE THAT PLACE!" Did I really just say that? How cheesy could that be? I was so shocked at myself for saying it, that I just stood silently. Don't get me wrong, it was truly sincere but, not the answer I would've given had I had time to think. Oh well, maybe the casting guy wasn't paying attention and didn't hear it. Besides, the song was still great so, SUCCESS!
So, we update the season's scorecard:
Audition Scorecard 2010-2011
11 Success
6 Fail (4 type out)
So, 2 for 2 this time. Not so bad. I've got several more coming up so, I'm hoping to add more to the success side.
Until next time...
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