Friday, February 18, 2011

Lather, Rinse, Repeat: Scorecard #8

Between getting up at 6am for auditions and getting home from work after midnight, I haven't felt much like writing, lately.  But, I do have four new auditions to tell you about and add to the scorecard.  Let's go:

Audition 1)  This was the chorus call for the California theater that I auditioned for in last week's scorecard update.  I figured it couldn't hurt to go back and sing again since I hadn't been happy the last time.  Plus, I wanted to redeem myself for the, less than focused, R&H performance.  This time I decided to do my Secret Garden number and I nailed it!  I was focused on this one and figured I had nothing to lose so, felt like I knocked this one out.  SUCCESS

Audition 2)  An EPA for a theater in Pennsylvania doing several "big" shows that I, personally, love and would love to be in.  I decided for this one, I wanted to sing my number from Shrek.  It's a belty ballad but, also fun at the same time.  It went great and the people in the room were great!  But like all the others, now we wait and see.  SUCCESS

Audition 3)  A chorus call for another PA theater.  This time, one in Pittsburg.  Their upcoming season runs the genre gamut so, they didn't ask for anything specific just what you do best.  I decided to go with Shrek again because I love the song and it sits really well in my voice.  Again they seemed as though they really liked me but,  I wasn't asked to stay and "move" (theatre dancing that's not really dancing).  I'm choosing to assume that's because they saw that a couple of the shows they're doing are already on my resume.  SUCCESS

Audition 4)  A last minute decision led me to go to this EPA for a national tour of Guys and Dolls.  Outside the door, we were told that the CD (casting director) wanted to hear something comedic.  So, I decided to go with my Triumph of Love number.  The song, itself, went really well but the interesting part came after.  At first she said "thank you" but, as I was getting my book from the piano she stopped me.

"Do you have anything up-tempo that's less angsty?"  And then, she said she basically wanted me to do an up-tempo gangster song.  What I did was "great" but, she wanted to hear something with less angst that was more suitable to the characters I was right for.

"Hmmm, well..."  I think that's literally what I said.  I grabbed my book and started flipping through the pages having no idea what to do.  I didn't help that I didn't exactly know what "angsty" even meant.  I kept flipping through the book and we finally settled on the R&H song but, as a gangster.

It was actually pretty fun doing it differently but, nerve wracking because I wanted to just snap my fingers and immediately have the type of song she wanted.  But when you're put on the spot like that, it's sometimes hard to think quickly.  But still, the first song went great, the second one was fun and that fact that I was EVEN asked for a second one, makes this one a SUCCESS!

So, we update the season's scorecard:

                Audition Scorecard 2010-2011
                    15 Success
                      6 Fail (4 type out)

Four consecutive successes!  It also makes it easier when you're going to so many because it lowers the "big deal" feeling.  Going to several a week is a lot easier than one every few weeks.  There are still plenty more on the calendar so, still gotta cross the fingers.

Until next time...

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