Saturday, August 28, 2010

Social Networking: Blessing or Curse?

Just a scant few years ago, my parents and I lived about half an hour outside of my hometown.  We were, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere.  You see, my dad was a ranch foreman and, as part of the job, we lived in a house on the ranch.

It never really bothered me living so far away.  I entertained myself singing with the radio and acting out whatever was on TV at the time.  Plus, I had my four-wheeler if I had an urge to go anywhere.  

By the time I was in 7th grade, we moved into town so that my parents could focus on the business they had bought a few years earlier.  It was then that I got my first "real" taste of social networking.  In junior high, everyone fit into a particular "network" (or clique, as they were called in school).  You had your Preps, Scrubs, Geeks, Jocks, etc.  Whatever school you went to, I'm sure you had your own version.

Your life was determined simply by what you wore and the company you kept.

Fast forward to today.  We now have tons of social networks right at our fingertips!  All you have to do is turn on you computer or phone and you have access to Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Stumbleupon and a ton of other sites with which to network.  To me, it's a beautiful thing.

No more do you have to worry about what others think of how you look or what you're wearing because they only see what you choose to show them.  They don't need to know that you're sitting in front of your  screen in a dirty shirt with bed head and Cheetos on your fingers because they only see your profile picture.  Plus, it takes the awkwardness out of having to make small talk.

Of course, there is the other side of the coin... You're sitting in front of your screen wearing a dirty shirt with bed head and Cheetos on your fingers because people only see your profile picture.  Doing anything productive takes a back seat to tweeting and updating a status.  

How do I know this, you ask?  I'm just as guilty as anyone.

I've been scolded by friends for "checking in" on Foursquare when I should be talking to them.  I've also been told that I sometimes share too much in my tweets.  Yes, I'm a member of several of these networks.  I could say it's the "research" that I'm doing for my work with Broadway Blogspot but, let's face it... I'm hooked!

What can I say?  They're fun!  And hey, I have to be allowed one vice right?  I mean, besides caffeine.  Make that two vices.  

So if you'll excuse me, I need to post this here on Blogger so that I can share it on the new FB page I created.  Then, I need to check in at my location on Foursquare.  After that, I need to respond to a friend request from a guy that I sat next to in elementary school.  Somewhere in there, I may fold my laundry before I tweet about what movie I'm gonna watch.  Don't roll your eyes; you're doing the exact same things.  That's why we're all friends and able to share this habit with each other.  Because after all, isn't that the purpose?  To share what we think and feel with those we love...and rest of the world?  

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Typed Out, Called In and Starting Over

So, this past week held three auditions for me to attend with three different outcomes.  Only one of which I would consider successful:

First up, a trip back to the same casting office I was at last week for Wicked.  If you'll remember, I had my first experience being typed out at that one. (If you missed my experience, you can read it here.)  Well this time, I was going in for South Pacific and surely wouldn't get typed out here... WRONG!  Not sure what look they were going for but, I didn't have it.  Of the ten in my group, only three were kept.  The most disappointing wasn't the getting typed out; it was actually not getting to do the new song I had prepared to sing.  Oh well, another day.

My next planned audition was for a reading of the new musical Wonderland by Frank Wildhorn (He wrote Jekyll and Hyde and is married to Linda Eder).  Turned out I didn't even get to go to that one because I got called in to work the survival job, that morning.  Can't really complain there because I was "on call" and could use the extra money.  Strike two so far, for the week.

So my last planned audition, was a for production of The Sound of Music that would be performed in Pennsylvania and then move to South Florida.  In Florida, it'd only be a couple of hours south of my hometown of Wauchula. My mom would like that!  Anyway, I went in hoping to do that number from Flower Drum Song that I had planned to do earlier in the week.

When it came to my turn to sing, I went in and started my song... and was stopped a few bars in.  Something didn't sound right between the piano and me.  It happened so fast, I couldn't even tell if it was me or the piano that was off.  Ok then, we started again, I did my song and I have to say, it went great!  I ended on a high-A that came out just fine with no problems.  I was happy and one of the auditioners said it was "Awesome!" so, I was happy.  Sincere sounding compliments don't come that often in auditions so, it feels nice to get them.

So overall, it was a 1 out of 3 audition week.  I got typed out of the first, called in to work and couldn't go to the second and kicked butt at the third.  I'd have to say of the four auditions I've been to this season, two would be considered successes.  I know getting typed out isn't really a failure but, if I don't sing I don't consider it a success either.  So that leaves me 2 out of 4 for the season.  Auditioning is a bit like a sport in a way so, I'm going to look at it that way.

Nothing on the calendar to audition for this week so, it looks like my next trip will be for an EPA for Wicked on the 31st.  I don't think they type at EPAs like they do Chorus Calls but, I'll find out soon enough.

Until next time...

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Little Audition Inspiration

So usually when I'm getting ready to go to and audition, I'll listen to or watch other performances to get inspired to do my own thing.  I found this awesome video of Sutton Foster performing Someone Else's Story from Chess.  

How can that not, at least, put you in a good mood?  She's just amazing!  Maybe I'll post some others in the future.

So now, I'm off to memorize my 16 bars from Flower Drum Song.  Today is a call for the South Pacific national tour.  It's back at Telsey so, I'm hoping to make it through typing this week.  If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'm going to a call for a reading of the new Frank Wildhorn musical Wonderland.  I'll let you know how they both go.

Until next time...

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Diva's Birthday

So for today, I decided to put up something fun!  It's Madonna's birthday and I thought that it'd be cool to have something fun to watch.  The video is her clip of Vogue from her Re-Invention Tour in 2004.  It's the only tour I've actually gotten to see in person.

When I was a kid, we didn't have MTV in my town so, I didn't see her famous Like A Virgin wedding dress performance on their first video awards show.  My first experience with her was just hearing the song on the radio.  Not being sure what a "virgin" was (I was only about 6 or 7), I automatically assumed it was something bad since I had only heard about how ungodly she was.  I was immediately enthralled with her from then on out!

There was something about the fact that she was willing to do and say whatever she wanted and not care what others thought.  Of course that's easier said than done because I still worry too much about what others think but, it was something I always admired and I've been a fan ever since.

I could go on and on about this but, not today.  For today, let's just all try to have fun and make some time to dance.  Just for today, let's try not to worry about what others think of us or take life too seriously.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

And Then, They Decide To Type

Auditions are always a funny sort of thing.  You give people your headshot and resume, sing a bit of song and read or do a monologue for a table of people who may or may not even be paying attention to you.  All of it's just to get noticed enough to make it to the next round of casting.  Of course, all of this can only happen if they don't decided to type people out.

For anyone who doesn't know, "typing out" is when the casting people take everyone's headshot and decide whether or nor they have the right look for what they want based solely on that picture.  It's only after you make it through this phase that you'll get to do any of the stuff I mentioned above.  It doesn't happen often but, it does happen.

Take today's Wicked call, for instance.  Before the monitor started reading the list of names, he had informed us that they would be typing people out.  It's really not that surprising.  The show's been running for about seven years in New York and has a ton of productions going, all over the world.  So when we got our audition numbers, we were put in groups of 15 and taken into the audition room.

When we got into the room, the casting people flipped through our headshots and put them into piles.  They then named four people out of the 15 in our group.  Those were the people who would be staying to sing.  I was not one of those people.

It was actually the first time I'd ever been typed out during an audition.  But, I can't feel bad because there were people there much prettier than me who weren't asked to stay either.  That's just the was it is.  You know, the stuff we put ourselves through because we love this business of show.

So now, it's on to the next thing.  I think I have one or two coming up next week that I can go to.  I'll let you know when the time comes.

Until next time...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Called In 2... The Tingle Fades

So, the time came to head to my coaching before the audition.  I went in with my Garth Brooks song that I thought was what I was going to be doing.  After learning of the song that I had, Michael (my coach) pretty much immediately says, "Let me see your book."

We then decided to do my Shrek song and just add some twang to it.  That wouldn't be too hard on my part.  I grew up around a lot of twang so it's never been too far out of reach.  We worked for our hour and then, he sent me off to Chelsea Studios.

When I got to Chelsea, it was a bit interesting.  After finding the monitor who had been distracted by the movie playing in the lobby, I got my side and started looking them over.  The audition was for Click Clack Moo which is being produced as a tour by Theatreworks USA.  The role they were looking at me for was Farmer Brown, the only human male in the show.

When I told the monitor I was ready, I went in and think I nailed my 16 bars.  It was the same cut of song that I'd been using but tweaked so that it felt, and played, so much better.  My twang, movements and everything went well for something that had just been decided about an hour before.

Then we read the Farmer Brown side.  I did my version first. The casting director gave me direction.  We did a second read through.

And then she says to me, "Great.  Now, let's do the chicken side."  


I had no idea there was going to be a chicken side.  When I had spoken to her about the audition, she had only mentioned reading for Farmer Brown.  But, these things don't always go as you expect them to and I want a job.  So, I acted like that was what I thought she was going to say and did my best cold reading of a chicken.

Overall though, I was proud of how I did.  My song was great and I had a clear difference between my two Farmer Brown readings.  The chicken was a curveball but, I did my best.  If nothing else, I feel as though I made up for my bad showing at the Wee The People call backs from February.

So now, it's out of my hands.  I did my part and now it's their turn to decide if I fit what they're looking for.  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Today, I'm heading to Telsey Casting to do that Wicked chorus call I mentioned last week.  The strangest thing they would have me read for there would be a munchkin.  But they're just small humans and the flying monkeys don't speak so, I know what to expect form this one.  Maybe I'll see you around.

Until next time... 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Called In... A Tingly Feeling

It doesn't happen that often but, on occasion, I get called in to audition for things that I didn't actually submit myself for.  It's a pretty cool feeling to know that someone was looking through their files, came across my headshot/resume and decided that they wanted to see me for their audition.

It also seems to add a bit of extra pressure because 1) it doesn't happen that often since I don't have an agent (yet) and 2) I want to make sure that I do well enough so the casting director doesn't think, "Oh my God! What was I thinking?"  Plus, there's a bit of redemption in it for me since my last time auditioning for them, I felt like I blew it.  Obviously that must just be in my head if they called me back in but, I want to knock this one out.

Another good thing, this is a musical.  I haven't gotten to do a musical since Gutter Star at the Fringe Festival, last year.  Musicals are what I love best so it'd be great to do one again!  It's also the first audition that I'll be going to since I've started working with my coach, Michael.  So, that'll be a little added confidence cushion.

For today, they've asked me for 16 bars of contemporary musical theatre with a country feel.  I have one Garth Brooks song in my book.  That about does it for the country. Hopefully, that will work.  Or maybe, I can learn 16 bars of something new and quickly. We shall see.  I'll write a follow-up later tonight and let you know.

For now, I'm off to channel my inner country boy and give it my best.  Cross your fingers that, if nothing else, I feel redeemed for the last time.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Next To Normal, revisited

Last night, I went back to see Next To Normal with it's new cast and, I dare say, I think the show is better than it was before.  Headed up by real life married couple Marin Mazzie and Jason Daniely, I felt like this was more of a cohesive family unit than what I had seen the last time I visited the Goodman family.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Audition Doldrums

So, I've been seeing my vocal coach for about 3 months now and the songs we've worked on, I think, are coming along great!  The problem is that I don't have much of anywhere to use them, at the moment.  Summer tends to be the slow season for auditions what with most theaters taking a break from auditioning. Unfortunately, this break is not coinciding with my most recent burst of inspiration.

I will have to say that the slower time has allowed me to work more closely on the new songs I've been singing.  The flip side of that, though, is that the procrastinator in me thinks that I have all the time in the world.  But the audition circuit is starting to pick back up so, I'll soon be feeling the pressure to get the music learned.

So far, I've learned songs from Titanic, Ragtime and Triumph of Love.  I know the first two shows well but, all I knew about Triumph, prior to this, was that it was a short lived musical that starred Betty Buckley.  I've got to give it to my coach, Michael, that he does a great job of suggesting the right songs for me.  I've got about 6 others on the backburner to learn before we're through this first round of music.

Unfortunately, none of the audition notices I've seen, over the past month, has had anything for me or not been possible due to my work schedule.  But, there's a lot of theater coming to NYC in the coming year so, there'll be plenty of opportunities.  It looks as though my "coming out" with any of the new music won't be until a Wicked ECC happening next week.

For now, I'm off to work on some notes and memorize some lyrics.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll see you at the Wicked call on Friday the 13th.  That sounds appropriate.

Until next time...  imgres.jpg