Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Typed Out, Called In and Starting Over

So, this past week held three auditions for me to attend with three different outcomes.  Only one of which I would consider successful:

First up, a trip back to the same casting office I was at last week for Wicked.  If you'll remember, I had my first experience being typed out at that one. (If you missed my experience, you can read it here.)  Well this time, I was going in for South Pacific and surely wouldn't get typed out here... WRONG!  Not sure what look they were going for but, I didn't have it.  Of the ten in my group, only three were kept.  The most disappointing wasn't the getting typed out; it was actually not getting to do the new song I had prepared to sing.  Oh well, another day.

My next planned audition was for a reading of the new musical Wonderland by Frank Wildhorn (He wrote Jekyll and Hyde and is married to Linda Eder).  Turned out I didn't even get to go to that one because I got called in to work the survival job, that morning.  Can't really complain there because I was "on call" and could use the extra money.  Strike two so far, for the week.

So my last planned audition, was a for production of The Sound of Music that would be performed in Pennsylvania and then move to South Florida.  In Florida, it'd only be a couple of hours south of my hometown of Wauchula. My mom would like that!  Anyway, I went in hoping to do that number from Flower Drum Song that I had planned to do earlier in the week.

When it came to my turn to sing, I went in and started my song... and was stopped a few bars in.  Something didn't sound right between the piano and me.  It happened so fast, I couldn't even tell if it was me or the piano that was off.  Ok then, we started again, I did my song and I have to say, it went great!  I ended on a high-A that came out just fine with no problems.  I was happy and one of the auditioners said it was "Awesome!" so, I was happy.  Sincere sounding compliments don't come that often in auditions so, it feels nice to get them.

So overall, it was a 1 out of 3 audition week.  I got typed out of the first, called in to work and couldn't go to the second and kicked butt at the third.  I'd have to say of the four auditions I've been to this season, two would be considered successes.  I know getting typed out isn't really a failure but, if I don't sing I don't consider it a success either.  So that leaves me 2 out of 4 for the season.  Auditioning is a bit like a sport in a way so, I'm going to look at it that way.

Nothing on the calendar to audition for this week so, it looks like my next trip will be for an EPA for Wicked on the 31st.  I don't think they type at EPAs like they do Chorus Calls but, I'll find out soon enough.

Until next time...

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