Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Called In... A Tingly Feeling

It doesn't happen that often but, on occasion, I get called in to audition for things that I didn't actually submit myself for.  It's a pretty cool feeling to know that someone was looking through their files, came across my headshot/resume and decided that they wanted to see me for their audition.

It also seems to add a bit of extra pressure because 1) it doesn't happen that often since I don't have an agent (yet) and 2) I want to make sure that I do well enough so the casting director doesn't think, "Oh my God! What was I thinking?"  Plus, there's a bit of redemption in it for me since my last time auditioning for them, I felt like I blew it.  Obviously that must just be in my head if they called me back in but, I want to knock this one out.

Another good thing, this is a musical.  I haven't gotten to do a musical since Gutter Star at the Fringe Festival, last year.  Musicals are what I love best so it'd be great to do one again!  It's also the first audition that I'll be going to since I've started working with my coach, Michael.  So, that'll be a little added confidence cushion.

For today, they've asked me for 16 bars of contemporary musical theatre with a country feel.  I have one Garth Brooks song in my book.  That about does it for the country. Hopefully, that will work.  Or maybe, I can learn 16 bars of something new and quickly. We shall see.  I'll write a follow-up later tonight and let you know.

For now, I'm off to channel my inner country boy and give it my best.  Cross your fingers that, if nothing else, I feel redeemed for the last time.

Until next time...

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