Saturday, July 10, 2010

Motivation please...

Do you ever go through a period of constant work and when you finally get to the end of it, all you wanna do is sit on the couch?  That's kind of how I'm feeling right now.  For about the past six weeks, everyday was filled with rehearsal and peroformances for a show, finishing up one job and starting another.  Throw in some coaching sessions and the rest of everyday life and there was no time to just sit back and hang out.  All of it has been necessary, of course but, the constant going left me completely unmotivated to do anything productive.

Two of my "assignments", for the past week, were to memorize a new song for the coaching and get my self to the gym.  I managed to work on the song for about an hour and didn't get to the gym at all.  The only thing I seem to have accomplished was downloading a Scrabble app for my phone and remembering to check in at places on Foursquare.

Yesterday, my vocal coach told me that these periods are fine but, you have to know when to get your butt off the couch and get back to normal.  It actually made me feel a little better knowing that I'm allowed to take a break from life, on occasion, and just play the Wii if I want (you know, Lego Harry Potter is pretty good).

Luckily, I got some inspiration from the session and had the great opportunity to see Merchant of Venice in Central Park.  Both were little reminders of, "Hey, I've got good stuff to work on."  So, I'm a little more motivated today and, I think, I'm coming out of the mental and physical, if not geographical, vacation.  But for today if anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch.

Until next time...

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