Friday, August 20, 2010

A Little Audition Inspiration

So usually when I'm getting ready to go to and audition, I'll listen to or watch other performances to get inspired to do my own thing.  I found this awesome video of Sutton Foster performing Someone Else's Story from Chess.  

How can that not, at least, put you in a good mood?  She's just amazing!  Maybe I'll post some others in the future.

So now, I'm off to memorize my 16 bars from Flower Drum Song.  Today is a call for the South Pacific national tour.  It's back at Telsey so, I'm hoping to make it through typing this week.  If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'm going to a call for a reading of the new Frank Wildhorn musical Wonderland.  I'll let you know how they both go.

Until next time...


  1. Thanks for posting this! I can't ever hear this song without thinking of Becca...Sutton is great, but I like Becca more.

  2. Next time I see Becca I'll be sure to tell her you said that. This was one of my favorite songs she would do when we all worked together.
