Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No Call Back...Hrrummph!

As an actor, one of the things we most look forward to during the audition process is the call back.  No, you haven't booked the job yet but, it's that positive response that shows you that the producer/director/casting assistant...WHOEVER thought that what you did during your initial audition was good enough to warrant a further look.  A kind of pat on the back.  It's when you don't get that small bit of recognition, when you think you should that, sometimes more than not booking the job, makes you wonder, "What the hell am I doing?"

Now I've said it before and will again, "Rejection is a huge part of this business."  Every working actor from New York to Los Angeles is conditioned to take as much positive from each audition knowing full well that nothing is likely to come of it. But on occasion, we all have those auditions where a little bit of over confidence creeps in and leaves us disappointed in the end.

I had a situation like this happen to me this past week.  A local producer, in New York, was holding auditions for their upcoming production of a musical that they're doing in April.  I had randomly submitted myself for the show several weeks ago not expecting a call to audition.  I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from the casting director asking me to come in for an appointment, the next day.  Being the night before, I didn't think it would give me enough time to learn something from the show so I decided to do what I do best.

When I got there, I was about 30 minutes early but was taken right in to the audition room.  My first song went great!  They asked if I could do something else, maybe a little quieter.  That presented a smidge of a challenge because, usually, quieter isn't something auditioners ask for.  But, I found something that I could do the way that they wanted.  I have to say, I think I did a damn good job on both songs and left there feeling certain that they were going to call me back for another look.  After all, they were having 3 nights of call backs.

Well, today is the third day they had scheduled for call backs and....nothing.  No call.  No e-mail.  Nothing.  Well, that's how it goes, right?  SCREW THAT!!  I did a damn good job and think I should've been called back to read or sing something from the show.  But that, apparently, is not going to be happening.  I know it's time to move on but, I just want to be bitter for a minute or 60.

Oh well, there are more auditions coming and we gotta keep going.  "Always be doing something so that people are seeing and aware of you."  Always gotta remember that, like it or not.  So, back to being a glutton for punishment.  I'd be curious what your audition thoughts are.  How has your audition season been going?  Maybe I'll put up my own report card in the future.

Until next time..

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