So, I'm part of a new show coming up this week that I'm really excited about! I've got the who, what, when and where for those that want to know...
The show is called A Beautiful Circle of Love and Acceptance written by J. Boyett and directed by Kathryn McConnell. It's a really funny and pretty dirty short play that's gonna be part of the Shortened Attention Span Festival. We'll be doing 4 performances:
The Players Theatre
115 MacDougal Street, New York, NY
Thurs., June 10 at 8:00
Fri., June 11 at 9:00
Sat., June 12 at 9:00
Sun., June 13 at 3:00
Tickets are $18 and can be reserved here. The festival, itself, is 4 weeks long but, the plays change each week. We're part of week 2. Subway directions are on the site too, just take the train to West 4th. Also, from what I understand, if you show them your Equity card, you get in free.
I hope that anyone who's able will come to see us. I think I said this before but, if it's as funny as we think it is, it's gonna be great. Plus, it's got Kelly Griffith and William Kozy who are both great and make me look funny! I hope to see you there!
Until next time...
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