Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sleep Peacefully, Miss Dixie

I was so saddened yesterday by the news that Dixie Carter had passed away.  She was the epitome of southern class and grace.  And although I did not know her personally, I feel the "one more angel in Heaven" saying definitely applies.

I vaguely remember first seeing her on television in her short run on Diff'rent Strokes and her starring role on Filthy Rich but, being as I was very young (yes, I was once), I can't remember much except for thinking that she was the cool southern lady.  It wasn't until she became Julia Sugarbaker that I, like many others my age, fell in love with her.

Growing up around some very strong, southern women, it was nice to see Dixie and her character of Julia portrayed as the opposite of the "dumb redneck" that most southerners are made out to be.  Even when Julia got on her weekly soapbox, Dixie always delivered those speeches with humor, class and always made you think.

Forgive the video quality on this one.  I found this on YouTube and it's the only one of this clip.  It was too good of an example to leave out.  It also shows how the show itself was pretty ballsy in taking on subjects considered taboo, at the time.

So, the South has lost one of it's belles but she won't be forgotten.  Luckily, we live in an age of YouTube and Nick at Nite so, we're never too far from a reminder of her class.  Sleep well in heaven, Miss Dixie.

Ok so, I have to leave you with two other clips that were too good to pass up:

And of course... my favorite of them all...

Until next time...

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