Thursday, April 1, 2010

On My Own... Or So It Seems.

So recently, I've been trying to decide what kind of direction I wanted to take this blog in and I was looking for some feedback.  I decided to go to the Blogger discussion board and post the question, "Any other blogs about theater or an actor's life?"  I posted that question about 8 days ago and was curious about what kind of response I would get and if anyone would like, hate or be indifferent towards anything that I've written about.

It was a busy week with the survival job so, I just kind of forgot about the question until today.  I went back to the discussion board to find that NO ONE had responded to the question.  Really? A WEEK and not ONE person has had anything to say.  Now, there are a couple of different ways that I can look at this:  
    1)  I can be bitter at the fact that not one person bothered to respond (ok so, I am just a bit)
    2)  I can assume that the people who looked, if any, hated it (but why would I want to do that?)
or 3)  I can assume that those who looked, if any, didn't respond because no one else has a blog about an actor's life.

After a bit of thought, I'm going to go with option number 3 with just a smidge of number 1. (I'm allowed a smidge.  I AM human!  Really, would it have hurt to get SOMETHING?)  Now I know, it's stupid to think that, out of the millions of blogs out there, no one's decided to do one about their experiences as an actor here in New York.  But, I've been playing around on here for several months now and have decided that that's what I want to write about so, here it is.

Part of the reason I wanted to do this was to, mainly, have a place to vent my frustrations.  Most people who know me know that I don't talk much and that includes when I get irritated about things.  I think everyone in our business gets annoyed/angry/sad/frustrated/etc. more times than not and this is my place to vent that frustration.  If anyone else reads it, maybe they'll be able to relate in some way or another.

Anyone who were to look and read any of my earlier posts will probably think, "Haven't you been doing this all along?"

Well, that's a good thought.  I HAVE pretty much been doing this from the first post but, it wasn't really set out to be this way.  I was gonna use this blog as a way to rant about anything and everything going on in my life and I still will but, most of my life revolves around show business (theater, music, auditions, etc)  so why not just come out and say it?  Besides if I can limit myself to a specific topic, maybe I can be better about adding to this thing more regularly.  It's a mental thing with me.

I've already got a couple of other things I want to write about so, I'll be putting them up over the next several days.  And yes, you'll still have to endure the occasional video of me.  BUT, I'm gonna start putting up other performances and notices about people and things that I really like.

Until next time...

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