Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Dreaded Crack

So, my first audition in a couple of weeks was one that I wasn't expecting to go.  It was for a company which is mounting a production of two "old school" musicals, "Panama Hattie" and "Three Wishes For Jamie".  Now to be honest, I'd never heard of "Jamie" and only knew "Hattie" by name and that Ethel Merman was the original star.  But, I was talked into going and knew it would be a good opportunity to try out one of my new songs.

On the breakdown, it was said that they want "traditional Broadway" music for the audition.  Perfect!  It would give me a chance to do my R&H/Flower Drum Song (last time, I only did 16 bars).  Plus, there wouldn't be much pressure since I hadn't expected to go in the first place.

My time in the room came and the thing I was most worried about was getting the lyrics right.  The song moves fast so, any stumble could screw you.  But,  it was a chance worth taking.  So, I go into the room and put my book on the piano.  The accompanist  says, "Good song.  No one ever does it."  That's the second time someone's said that about this song so, I took that as a good sign.  I started the song, had the lyrics coming, movements were solid and clear and then we get to the last note.  It comes out great and then..... CRACK!

Are you kidding me?!?!?  Aside from forgetting the words, I think the most embarrassing thing I could do in an audition is crack.  Ugh!!!!  Now I realize, cracking is hardly the end of your career. But when it DOES happen, the most important thing is how you react.  Which is to say, "DON'T react!"  Drawing attention to something that they may not have even noticed is never helpful.

I finished, smiled and they asked, "Can you do an Irish accent?"  Apparently, the lead in "Jamie" is Irish.  My fail for lack of research.  But, I told them I could definitely work on one.  We parted ways and I felt good but, a little embarrassed.  They actually seemed like lovely people.  It took some of the sting out of the crack.

Oh well, another one down.  I'd love to get a callback because if I do, I'll be running to the Drama Book Shop to get one of those dialect CD's I always see and wonder if they actually help.

Until next time...

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