Sunday, September 19, 2010

God's Love We Deliver

Recently, I just finished doing a showcase with the F.A.C.T. theatre company that I've been performing with for over a year.  It was a collection of short plays under the title of GAY-Licious: A GLBT Celebration of Six Short Plays.  My particular play was titled, The Memory Book.

As always, any chance to perform is great and the group has become a family of sorts with recognizable faces in every production.  Plus I think, this time around had our strongest collection of plays yet.

But I think the most important part of our showcase was that this time we chose to donate a portion of our ticket sales to the organization God's Love We Deliver.  GLWD provides individually-tailored meals to people who are too sick to shop or cook for themselves.

Since 1985, when one woman decided to deliver food on her bike to a friend who was dying of AIDS, they now cook 3,600 meals per day and deliver to all 5 boroughs of NYC and into New Jersey.  Their services are provided free of charges, regardless of a person's age or income, and they have NO waiting list.  They deliver food within 24-48 hours of first being contacted.

Today, I decided to take a break from my usual sarcasm and random posts to give the spotlight to people who are trying to help others have a better day.  Just a small reminder that regardless of how old we are, how much money we have, whether we're light or dark or if we like boys or girls, we're all humans and should treat each other with some sort of respect.  If people really thought about how they would feel to be on the receiving end of someone's disdain because of "differences", they might reconsider their own thoughts.

Anyway, for more info about GLWD, click here.  Or you could always check out what organizations in your community are working to help others.

Until next time...


  1. That's beautiful Marcus! I was so glad to be a part of a cause this great. I didn't know what GLWD was all about until the play festival- and I now support it 100%. I used to volunteer for Meals on Wheels as a teen, and I think this is a great extension of that concept.

  2. Thanks Danielle! I didn't know about GLWD until our play fest either but, I think it's a great way to help others too! Hopefully, FACT will do more things with them in the future.
