Friday, October 8, 2010

Wrong Location and a Wet Mess - Scorecard Update #2

So, I realized that I hadn't done an audition update since the "crack" story and decided it was time.  This time around we have one audition and a "should've been"...

It seems like, lately, no audition day can seem to go as planned.  You know, get up, get ready, go sing and be done.  That would be lovely if I could have a day like that again and soon.  Anyway, these two were part of a double day in which I was doing a chorus call (ECC) for a New York theater company and an EPA for one in Maryland.  The NY company specializes in doing revivals of classics so, it would be my chance to do my R&H/Flower Drum Song again and make up for the crack that happened the time before.  With the other one, I was gonna get the chance to pull something new out of the book that we'd only worked on in coachings.

Since they were both happening in the same place, I could sign up for the EPA and wait for the ECC list to be read at the same time.  The list of names at an ECC are called a half hour prior to its start (if it starts at 10:00, the list is called at 9:30) so, I would be there in plenty of time.

Unfortunately, it chose to be a disgusting and rainy day here in NYC this particular Friday (and if you've read my Umbrella Rant, you know how I feel about rain here) so, the traffic was a little slower getting through the Lincoln Tunnel than expected.  But as long as I was there by 9:30, all was well.  And I was.  I was signed up for the EPA and waiting for ECC list to be read at 9:20.

One small problem though, by 9:35 no one had begun the list and nothing was said about why they were behind in calling names.  It was then that I finally realized I had gone to the wrong location for the ECC.... AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!  This meant a trek down about ten blocks and across an avenue in the nasty rain to try and get to the other studio before my name was passed on the list.

Needless to say, I arrived wet and sweaty to find out my name had been passed so I got at the end of the line which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Seems like the rain kept a lot of people away.  But still, being number 86 meant that I would have to wait until the 5th group before I could sing (we line up in groups of 20).  Luckily, I had some people to chat with which helped to improve my rotten mood and got me into more of a singing mood.  By the time I went in, all I cared about was making up for the crack... and I did! (success!)

The EPA was a different story. Having to go to the other place had thrown off my internal schedule for the day.  I had an appointment at 2:00 and work at 4:00.  My audition time for the EPA was 2:50 which meant everything had to be going smoothly, for the rest of the day, for me to get back in time.  Unfortunately, rain has a way of putting everything behind and this day was no exception.  I never made it back for the other call. (fail)  But, what can you do?  Things happen so, I just choose to believe it wasn't meant to be.  Besides the way my mood had deteriorated, it was probably better off that I missed it.

So that brings the seasonal scorecard total up to 6:

                         3  Success
                         3  Fails

Now as I may have said before, these numbers can change if there are any callbacks involved.  But, I think completely missing the call won't get me called back by these people.  The good thing is, they didn't even know I missed it.  Or is that good?  Shouldn't they have planned for me and been waiting with bated breath for my arrival?  Not really but, I liked the thought of people panting for me.

I've got 2 other auditions to update on the scorecard but, I'll save them for another post.

Until next time...

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